Saturday, September 23, 2017

Danger in Belmar

Hurricanes are causing issues right now with beaches in the Atlantic, though other than the red flags you might not realize it from the summer like weather.  But there is another danger, and that's to your computer.  If you tried to get onto the BelmarArts website over the last few days you saw a big scary warning to stay away.  A new site is being worked on, and security will be beefed up to make sure that visitors will not be subject to viruses and other attacks when they come to us on the internet.  We are all hoping that will be ready soon.

However, there is some good news.  This blog is not actually part of the website, so this site is perfectly safe to visit.  More good news- the e-mail system is on a separate server and we are being told that it is also safe, so if you need to contact BelmarArts, send stuff, etc- no problem.  And the office will be open during regular gallery hours and the phone works fine, so you have a bunch of options for getting and receiving information until we have a website up and running again.

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